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Know God and His Ways

Know God and His Ways “Teach me your ways so that I may know you and continue to find favor with you.”  (Exodus 33:13)   Make knowing God a top priority in life!  Moses yearned to know God and to know His ways.  In turn, God revealed himself to Moses.  Moses found that through this process, he experienced God’s presence and his favor.  Later, Moses was called to lead God’s people out of Egypt.  He knew that the Israelites would die in the wilderness without God’s favor, so Moses made it a priority to teach the people God’s ways.  As they lived for God, they too experienced his presence and favor. It was this very presence of God and his favor that set the Israelites apart from others. Things happen when God has priority in our life.  His favor opens doors, changes circumstances, causes blessing, gives protection, provides counsel, overcomes barriers, and gives strength, fortitude and hope.  He  is what we need in order to navigate successfully through this world.  As we learn to tr

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