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1 Peter 5:8 NLT
There is a lot of evil in our world today.
It is very important we stay alert and spiritually sensitive as we live on this earth doing one thing or other.
God instruct us in His Word to always be vigilant and watchful against the tricks, deceits and manipulations of the devil. He doesn't want us to be ignorant of his devices.
You mustn't be a carefree Christian.
You must be spiritually sharp and smart so as to pick up signals of the enemy's trick and resist him.
To resist the devil you must submit yourself to God. You cannot resist the devil if you don't submit to God. To submit to God is to submit to His word in obedience.
Again, ensure that you are truly and genuinely converted and born again before the devil can flee when you resist him.
One of the key areas you need to be vigilant and watchful of, is your thought life. The primary way the enemy penetrates into your life is by bringing suggestions to your mind that doesn't line up with God's word.
The scripture says,
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV
When the enemy can get you to think wrong, he would get you to speak wrong and act wrong. Whenever you discover yourself thinking negative, just know that's the devil trying to get to you. You have to take your stand and resist him vehemently.
Receive grace in Jesus name Amen.
Furthermore, be alert, watchful and sensitive wherever you go; on the way, in your work place or as a businessman, in your environment, school, neighborhood, etc.
Don't be loose, carefree or take things for granted. Observe people and things quietly. Do not be careless, be watchful and careful.
Jesus says that we should watch and pray. Don't be emotional, be wise.
*Quickly discern and read the handwriting on the wall before you act.*Listen to what God is saying.
*Remember, the devil our arch- enemy is walking about to devour. You will not be a victim, you will NEVER be devoured.*
Stay alert, live in obedient to God's instructions in your life; be committed and faithful in serving the LORD in Jesus name Amen.*
Study, Meditate and obey God's word, stay in the place of prayer. Then, you can successfully resist the devil and live a VICTORIOUS Christiain life. Receive Greater Grace in Jesus name Amen.
Live spiritually sensitive.
Stay alert.
Stay Blessed.
I am a child of God.
The Grace of God is upon me.
I can NEVER be devoured.
I am alert in the spirit, I submit to God, I resist the devil and he flees.
I live a VICTORIOUS Christiain life.
I am VICTORIOUS forever.
I am so blessed.
Blessed forever.
Father in Heaven, I thank you for your Word, l receive Greater Grace to always be ALERT, VIGILANT, WATCHFUL, SPIRITUALLY SENSITIVE, SMART AND SHARP in Jesus Name. Amen
Further Study
James 4:7-8
2 Corinthians 2:11
Ephesians 5:15-17
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