
How can James expect Christians to “count it all joy” when they face difficulties and trials (1:2)?

Did the writer of Hebrews actually think Christians might entertain angels (13:2)?

How does Hebrews 12:1 represent a crucial transition for its readers?

How did faith shape the life of Moses?

Why are so many Old Testament people listed in chapter 11?

How do we draw near to God?

Why does Hebrews have so much about blood, including a statement such as “without shedding of blood there is no remission” (9:22)?

Who was the prophet Ezekiel?

Who was Melchizedek, and why was he so important?

To whom is Hebrews 6:4–6, and particularly the phrase “once enlightened,” directed?

Why does it say that Jesus “learned obedience”?