
What does Paul mean when he writes about being “in Christ” and someone being a “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17)?

Why do people not respond to the gospel?

What credentials of his apostleship did Paul give to the Corinthians?

What was Paul’s rationale for forgiveness?

Why did Paul write a second book to the Corinthians?

From Isaiah 7 and 8, list a few of the many prophecies from Isaiah that were fulfilled in the New Testament

Describe Isaiah’s vision of heaven

What difference would it make if the Resurrection of Christ never really happened?

Who was Isaiah the prophet?

What was at the heart of Paul’s concern for the use of the gift of tongues in the church in Corinth?

What about interpretations of Song of Solomon that allergorize it to mean God’s love for Israel or Christ’s love for the church?