
Does Matthew include any material not found in the other Gospels?

Why did Jesus refuse to take up arms and fight?

Why did Jesus institute the Lordā€™s Supper?

How does Mosesā€™ veiled face represent the inadequacy of the Old Covenant?

Did Jesus Christ believe in everlasting punishment for the wicked?

What do the parables of the 10 virgins and of the talents tell us about Christā€™s second coming?

How should Jesusā€™ prophetic statements, many of which are found in Matthew 24 and 25, be interpreted?

Why all the specific details about the tabernacle, and what do they mean for us today?

What broke Jesusā€™ heart about His people?

CommandmenWhy did Jesus have such a hard time with the Pharisees?

There is only one true God