January 16: Exodus 3:7-10

KJV Key Verse: Exodus 3:9
Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.

There are going to be times in our lives when we just cannot see how God could be listening to us because everything seems to pile up and continually go wrong. I am not going to pretend to understand why we should have to go through periods like this nor how we should be able to cope with them; but I can say God has been with man through many difficult times. I have learned not to doubt His presence but to have faith in Him and His presence and to persevere through these hard times.

When God called Moses to go and rescue the people from oppression in Egypt it was not a calling of a huge army to rescue the people but that of a single man to go and face the might and power of Pharaoh! When we call out to God it may not be the help we are expecting but a smaller, quieter help coming from an unexpected source. I cannot presume to have faced anything like the trouble and strife any other people have had to face, but I know He has always been there. I have not got my own desires and wishes, but what I have got is a God who supplied my needs and led me through things in the best direction.

God did not simply open the doors for the Israelites to walk out of Egypt; He closed doors, made Pharaoh mad, made them walk, run and get scared, but made sure they were safe and delivered! You see God is not a God who will give in to us and our lustful desires, but rather a God who knows what we need and gives us according to those needs.

I thank Him daily that I have to face rough times because I know I am strengthened. Do I have to go through those times? No, but if I did not go through them I would not be in the place I am now. If I did not go through them I would not be as fit for the job as I am now. God has not promised us an easy ride nor a safe passage; He promises to supply our needs. A bit different to what we may expect!

Points to Ponder:
What do you ask for?

What are you expecting from God?


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