Daily Devotion January 17

January 17: Exodus 3:11-17

KJV Key Verse: Exodus 3:14
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

How many times have you doubted God only to be proven wrong and see how powerful He really is? You still waiting? Well don’t give up waiting and don’t ignore all the little things He is doing right here and right now because we may well be missing out on all of the answered prayers whilst we wait for miracles to happen which we can see. We are not all going to have a burning bush experience that changes our lives. We are not all going to have a miracle which makes news headlines around the world; God may just need to answer the simplest of prayers for you at this time…

God chose a single man who had a speech impediment to face up to the power of the Egyptian Pharaoh! It was not Moses’ might, cunning, strength or will power that got them out of oppression! It was God, the great “I AM”. God who has been here from the beginning, holding and supporting His chosen people from the beginning of time, this is the same God we have looking after us now!

There is nothing that is impossible for God. He has given us proof over many centuries, many places, many surroundings… there is nothing God cannot cope with and nothing that will stop Him from helping and looking after us other than rejection. Yes, there is a clause in there… We need to have faith He will do what He has promised and believe it in our hearts. If we continue to reject Him and His ways then we are showing Him we do not really want the help we may be asking for!

When we ask for help from our friends we do not turn round and tell them how stupid they are or how useless they are and still expect them to help us! We trust them to help us and we wait for their help. If we are going to expect God to answer our prayers then we have to believe He is listening to them and will answer them according to our needs. That means trusting He is going to, not just that he can, but expect the result we pray for!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ask with doubts?

Will you ask with confidence?


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