Daily Devotion January 18

January 18: 1 Samuel 3:1-9

KJV Key Verse: 1 Samuel 3:4
That the LORD called Samuel: and he answered , Here am I.

I cannot ever remember being told audibly that I should be doing something by God; I say that because I am sure I would remember that! But I can say that I honestly do know I am doing His will in my life now. How? By listening not to the “big loud shouty” voice but the small voice in the quiet that speaks through others people and through God’s Word. I know I am doing God’s will. Not through my life being as easy as pie, but it being in line with what God shows me in His word.

We are not promised we will have everything given to us on a plate or that we will be told verbally which direction to go. We are told that we should seek God’s will in our lives! Samuel may have been the one hearing a voice call out to him and he did not know who it was; but when shown that God works in many different ways, he was willing to listen more carefully and to find out what God was trying to say to Him in that small quiet voice that followed.

God wants us to be obedient to start with. He wants us to believe He is God and we are His servants. He does not want to have to shout at us before we stop and listen. He does not want to have to do anything drastic in our lives before we start listening… but if that is the only way He can get our attention, then we should not be too surprised when we hear Him call in a way we cannot ignore!

Be still and know God. That is not just another saying from the bible but a way in which we should respond to what God is already doing. God is already asking us to stop and listen. He is already putting out the call to many people who simply ignore Him because of all the noise in their own lives. Be still. Stop and listen to Him. He is not shouting but trying to talk to you quietly and lovingly. Listen…

Points to Ponder:
Do you really listen?

Will you stop and listen to God too?


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