Daily Devotion January 19

January 19: Galatians 1:6-10

KJV Key Verse: Galatians 1:10
10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

How many things in your life turn you away from the Gospel? That is a difficult question to answer sometimes because we get tied up in something or other and we slowly wander away from the truth without knowing it; we accept new things and accept different stories and because we like what they have to say we go along with them. What are we to do if we cannot tell the wood from the trees? What should we be doing to try and figure out what is what in our lives?

Some would say that we just need to sit down and read the bible and that will sort it all out. Wrong. Just sitting and reading the bible is going to give us many answers but it will not give us everything we need to fight against the enemy. We are flooded with many different translations of the bible and many different people’s opinions of what the bible actually says that we do tend to get lost on that front as well.

So how do we tell? How do we discern the actual truth? It is clear have a problem that is not going to be as easy as we first thought… As we try to dig deeper into the truth we will find more details and the more information we find the more we may actually get confused. This is where God comes in and it is something we have to learn to do – to trust Him and to trust the Holy Spirit to open our eyes, ears and hearts to the truth God needs us to hear. Start comparing what you hear with the bible. Start digging a bit deeper into the bible and seeing what others are talking about. If you do trust God in your heart then you will begin to be able to discern His truth as He tries to explain it to you.

It’s not going to be an overnight success story where we suddenly wake up totally enlightened. Each of the prophets and apostles we read about in the bible describe a journey they took with God. A Journey where their lives were opened up as they trusted God and left others things behind. No it is not going to be easy. We will have to listen. We will have to fight. We will have to endure. That is life, get used to it; but please continue on and trust God that little bit more each day.

Points to Ponder:
Who do you go to for instruction?

Will you trust God a little bit more today?


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