Daily Devotion January 20

January 20: 1 John 3:4-9

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 3:9
Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin , because he is born of God.

Have you ever been told that you cannot be a Christian because you continue to sin? Have you ever had doubts about your own faith because of the fact that you sin? Well this verse is going to make you feel bad to begin with but hopefully you will get to feel a little better after we have gone through our study today.

We sin. We all sin. That does not make us evil. Yes evil people sin but we also sin. Why would God have to allow His Son to pay the price for our sin if we could get through life without sinning? If there was just one person who would be able to get through life without sin, besides Jesus, then we would not have need of a Saviour. You are not alone. You are not the first and you certainly will not be the last!

This does not mean that we should go about life enjoying everything that we call sin. This does not mean we have a free hand to go off and do what we like just because we know Christ has forgiven us! Think about what He went through for us, because of the stuff we did wrong, think of the consequences of our actions. Just maybe that will encourage us to come forward and try not to do the same again and again. Just maybe we will be persuaded to take a different line and work out a way we do not have to give in to the sin. Just maybe we can aim to please God instead of upsetting Him daily.

Jesus Christ came to die in our place to forgive us of our sin. He did not come to make us into perfect people who would no longer go out and sin. He makes us perfect because He separates us from our sin totally; but then a few seconds later we go off and invite a little bit of that sin back into our lives. We are not perfect any more, but we still have a Saviour who is perfect and who is willing to forgive us from those sins once again. Live for Christ. Live with Him and be encouraged to try and live a better life; but be encouraged that He is faithful to forgive us, always!

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel caught in the sin pit?

Will you allow Christ to lift you up?


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