Daily Devotion January 23

January 23: Genesis 2:21-25

KJV Key Verse: Genesis 2:25
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed .

How many times have you skipped over the verses where it talks about Eve being created from Adam’s rib? I have just stopped and thought about it a while and I would like you to do the same; not because of the miracle of Eve being created from the rib but because of the love that this describes. God wanted Adam and Eve to be together as one and the best way of ensuring that was to make them from the same source as it were. God wants us to be able to love, not just to love the person you are marrying but to love people with truth and honesty.

God is blessing Adam and Eve with a very deep love for each other so they can live together in love and to learn to share this deep love with God. When we grow up and leave our families it is to be with the people that we love most of all in our lives we need to embrace this new-found love God gives us for our partners and new families. We still need to continue on in the love for our existing families but to grow in love for our partners is very important.

God is also showing us that any true love between people is going to be pure and without all the hangups and lust that we associate with relationships nowadays. Our relationships are to be honest and open and long lasting; it is not until we allow the rotten things into our lives which break them apart that they collapse. God wants our relationship with Him to be as open as Adam and Eve’s relationship was.

Love truly is a miraculous thing which we don’t tend to allow into our lives too much in fear of us being hurt, being left alone, being out of control and other ill feelings. But if we are willing to allow this true love to fill our lives we will not have room for those ill feelings. The same can be said for our relationship with God – the more we fill our lives with His love, the less room we have for the doubt and temptations.

Points to Ponder:
Do you allow God’s love to fill you?

Are you still leaving room just in case?


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