Daily Devotion January 26

January 26: Hebrews 11:1-3

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 11:2
For by it the elders obtained a good report .

Faith is a very big word for us to follow. It is what our lives depend, our spirits aspire to and our souls are destined for. Faith is the underpinning foundation of our being. You may be asking how this can be because faith is not such a big deal for you… It actually is. There are so many things that we trust in just by faith; so many aspects of life we don’t see or don’t understand, but we go along with them and trust they are true. That is faith.

So what about your faith in the unseen God? Are you struggling with aspects of your faith thinking that others around you have so much more than you do? Are they the ones reading this right now? Are they the ones seeking God through a devotion right now? No. You are! Your faith is a whole lot bigger than you realise!

The following verses in this chapter list the major instances of faith right from the beginning of time, listing them not as a comparison for you to live up to but as a reminder that faith is so very important in our lives. Don’t make the comparison between you and another person based on what you can see because you are sidestepping the whole concept of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for! Faith is based on hope not evidence.

I have faith that God is answering my prayers and as He does I see the evidence after the fact. I don’t wait for the evidence to see if I have faith or try to measure my faith by what is answered; I trust God to answer prayers and I leave them with Him. I trust God with the little and big things in my life and I leave them with Him. It is the things I try to take back and chance myself that I see fall apart, not the ones I keep hoping for in faithfulness.

Points to Ponder:
Do you measure your faith?

Will you leave it with God this time?


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