Daily Devotion January 31

January 31: Matthew 28:16-20

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 28:20
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo , I am with you alway , even unto the end of the world. Amen.

“If I was there I would have no problem believing Jesus” is something we hear from many people and probably many times too; but the disciples themselves were here with Jesus and some of them would not believe what Jesus was saying! Is it so unbelievable to realise they were human and they also have faults like the rest of us?

We have doubts. Not because we don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God but because we cannot comprehend how He is able to be everything to everyone or how He does listen to all of us when He is human too. Because we live in a physical world we often look for physical proof for everything rather than taking some things in faith. Jesus did not call us to believe because we have seen it happen, but to believe in what has not yet happened and without seeing it.

Even though the disciples had seen Jesus die on the cross, get buried and now see Him come back to life… but they still doubted some things. Whilst we do not know what they doubted, the seeds of doubt are put on display. Should we gain confidence or comfort in knowing that other people as important as the disciples had doubts? I think not! We should be looking for comfort in seeing how much faith people have so we can aim to emulate their faith.

Jesus, in amongst this doubt, gives the disciples the ultimate commission; to go out and to teach other people all about what they have learned and what they believe. So you see, we are giving the task of going out to teach other people even when we have our own doubts. We don’t have to know everything and have absolute faith in order to go out and share the good news about Jesus Christ! So let us step forward with our doubts and trust God to give us the words to say.

Points to Ponder:
Do you have doubts?

Will you share your true feelings with others?


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