Daily Devotion January 7

January 7: Genesis 18:9-15

KJV Key Verse: Genesis 18:15
Then Sarah denied , saying , I laughed not; for she was afraid . And he said , Nay; but thou didst laugh .

How do you react when you do not believe something someone else says to you? Do you laugh out loud or try to keep it to yourself? I’m sure that most of us would at least try to be kind to the other person’s feelings and keep the laugh to ourselves… But what if that other person could hear that silent laugh? What if they could read you like a book and knew exactly what was going through your mind?

Well God can do exactly that! He reads our innermost thoughts as if we were speaking everything out loud to Him. There is nothing that we can hide from Him… and yet He chose to love us – even when He could read our minds! I find it staggering that we have a God who loves us that much and one who has no limits to the things He can do for us and even to the things that He does do for us!

We would be forgiven for not being too friendly to someone when we hear them gossiping about us or saying bad things about us to other people. We would be forgiven for not liking those people who come up to us and say horrible things to our faces! God is different! He has every right to take what we say and think and to use it against us. He has every right to bring those things to mind when we ask Him for a favour or two… and yet He does not keep bringing up all the terrible things we have done in our lives. His love for us means He puts those things to one side in order that we may have another chance!

There is nothing our God will not forgive if we bring it to Him with a humble or heavy heart. He is not going to ignore us or give us the silent treatment just because we laughed at something He said or a promise He made to us. God forgives and forgets even though He is fully justified to blame us for the things we do wrong!

Points to Ponder:
Do you love someone enough to forgive them for everything?

Do you know how much God loves you?


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