Daily Devotion January 8

January 8: Proverbs 28:12-14

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 28:13
  He that covereth his sins shall not prosper : but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy .

How foolish a life we lead! How we think we can hide the sin and shame that we bring upon ourselves. And yet after warnings and after being found out and after punishment… we go back for more… How evil is the tempter who tempts us back there and makes us forget our sin. How rotten are we to give in and take the bait… And yet Christ is waiting there to forgive and forget when we humble ourselves before Him and ask for his forgiveness.

It truly is an amazing love that God has for us that He should want to forgive and forget even though He has seen us disobey and seen us walk away from Him! But His love extends further than the longest path we stray down because He is always there to encourage us back. We are the fools is we do not believe. We are the fools is we do not recognise His call. We are the fools is we do not see the warning signs.

God continues to show us the signs and even shows us wonders in this world to allow us to see that His power and might go far beyond anything we can recognise. If we but open our eyes to the wonders around us and the love He pours out over us, we too will see the marvellous works He has done to secure our lives under His wings.

When we harden our hearts and give up loving we will not see what God is doing around us; but when we fall reverent on our knees we can see His awesome love in our lives. It take time for us to stop so the world will stop spinning. It takes time for us to get off and gain our balance again. It takes time to stop and see the love that is all around us – especially the people God puts in our lives! Praise God for those He brings into our lives!

Points to Ponder:
Is your head still spinning?

Will you stop to listen for God?


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