Daily Devotion January 9

January 9: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 4:2
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

When was the last time you thought of yourself as a servant or steward for God? No, not that passing sentence where you tell others that you work for God or that one where you say you are a servant of The Lord Most High… Really, when did you actually admit to being a proper servant? What is the role of a servant? What is the role of a steward? Yes they are different roles, very different, but I would like you to think of yourself in the servant role so you can appreciate the steward role.

A servant is someone who does things for another person or other people. If you are employed by someone then you are an employee and you do the work because you are paid to do the work. If most of us look properly at the role we play in our churches then we have to admit we are employees and not servants because a servant is not necessarily going to be paid to do the work. A servant is told what to do and they have to listen and do what is asked of them. An employee is normally paid to think and do a job as best they can. The mark of a good servant is one that is accepted and one who is trusted to reliably do the work without questioning.

A steward on the other hand is a person who is given responsibility over something. That person is expected to look after whatever they have been given to the best of their ability. They may be paid for the position or they may just be required to cover the position. But their task is to do the best with what they are given. We are described here by Paul as being stewards of God’s Word. We have to look after it as best we can. This does not mean burying it in the sand or in a container in the middle of the desert so it will last but giving it out and sharing it to ensure it grows in people’s hearts and not left to slowly rot!

Are you really being a good servant to God by listening to what He has asked and doing it without question? Are you really being a good steward of His Word by sharing it and making it grow in people’s hearts?

Points to Ponder:
Do you like sharing?

Do you share God?


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