The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in
your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be
saved. — Romans 10:9

Creating a healthy mind and body starts with nurturing your
relationship with God.
He designed each of us to have a special relationship with Him.
He created man and woman to commune with Him. Adam and
Eve enjoyed a flawless existence with God in the garden. But
when Adam and Eve sinned against God, all of that changed.
Man’s perfect nature was now imperfect, and people were
separated from God by sin.

In the Old Testament, the people of that time had to offer
sacrifices for their sins in order to protect themselves from
God’s wrath. But then everything changed again — God sent His
Son, Jesus, so that we could all be saved from sin. In the New
Testament there is a new covenant, or promise based on what
Jesus came to earth to do for us — to be the ultimate sacrifice
for our sins. Instead of animal blood repeatedly being shed to
atone for sins, Jesus shed His blood for all our past, present,
and future sins. Jesus came to save all of humankind.
It is His gift to us; but it is up to us to accept this gift.
Romans 10:9 says when you confess Jesus as Lord and believe
this truth in your heart, you are saved. When you accept Jesus
as Lord of your life, you are no longer separated from Him — you
are born again! You will spend eternity (life after death) in
heaven with the Lord. The good news is that the blessings of
walking with the Lord aren’t just for eternity; they are for life on
earth as well. In addition to eternal salvation and forgiveness of
sins, a relationship with Jesus gives us wisdom, comfort,
purpose, and so much more! Spiritual health is the foundation
for a healthy body. When I began to strengthen my relationship
with Jesus, it was then that I was able to improve my physical
health and find balance.

Lord, I thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to die for my
sins and to allow me to have a relationship with my Creator.
Jesus, I thank You that You no longer remember my sins. I
believe that everything I was is now crucified on the cross with
You, and I now have a new nature in Christ. Lord, give me
strength to follow the path You designed for me. I believe that
You will guide me and change me from the inside out. Today is
the first day of the rest of my life! In Jesus’ name, amen.


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