Daily Devotion 17

February 17: Psalm 2:7-12

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 2:8
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

It worries me when I see nations trying their best to fight instead of getting on together. It worries me when I see nations thinking they are the most powerful and thinking they can do anything. We have no power, we have nothing and we are nothing without God; it is God who is allowing us to have the power we possess. When will governments wake up to the simple truth that God is in charge?

This Psalm talks quite plainly about God possessing all the power to build and destroy nations and yet so many will skip over it because they think they are the power behind their countries might. It will take something drastic for them to find out they have no power on their own. But let us not dwell on the negative side of this because God does give power, might, strength, wisdom and grace to us when we ask.

God wants us to ask so we can understand it is Him giving us answers to our prayers. God does not want us to be brought up like spoiled brats who just take everything and want more. God wants to have a good relationship with us where we come to Him with genuine requests and He answers them with love and compassion. It is our awesome God who is the power and might behind us all and we need to give Him the glory for that power.

Whether we are kings or slaves we need to look up to God with fear and understanding. When we understand His power we will be fearful of it and we can then ask things of Him in the right manner. God has already promised us He will be faithful to answer our prayers. God has already shown us He answers prayers throughout history. The closer we get to Christ returning the more we can expect prayers to be answered as He begins to gather nations together where so many are falling away from Him. Be strong and courageous and trust in answered prayers.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you pray?

Are you still asking with confidence?


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