Daily Devotion February 10

February 10: Luke 20:9-18

KJV Key Verse: Luke 20:17
And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?

Do you find this parable a bit disturbing, thinking that people could not be that evil as to kill others just because they come to collect on the debt owed? Or do you wonder at how this could ever come to pass? That is the beauty of parables; they get you to stop and think about circumstance and about how we look at others in the world comparing that to how God views things.

When we look at the world we see it through our own eyes and through our own compassions; what God sees is very different. Christ came into this world to heal the sick in body and spirit. He did not come to condemn us all but to set us free from this condemnation. He has tried to send messengers who brought the law. He has tried to send messengers who brought warnings to set us back on the right path. He sent His Son to set us free from all the evil we bring into our own lives, and yet we still don’t quite get it…

God wants us to love Him and to obey Him. He is not going to force us to obey Him but is also telling us that if we do not obey Him we will have to put up with the consequences of our choices. It is the consequences of our own choices that bring down much of the bad things in our lives. But sometimes it is the consequences of the choices of others that bring bad things into our lives.

When we make bad choices we affect many other people in our lives and not just ourselves. God wants us to realise this so we can aim to please Him and others and not just work for our own desires. I have learned to give in to God’s will in my life because so many more people gain from those choices to obey God than just me. Show someone you love them by obeying God today.

Points to Ponder:
Do you like pleasing others?

Will you obey God?


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