Daily Devotion February 11

February 11: Psalm 118:21-24

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 118:22
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The beauty about Christ’s parables is they are all built on God’s Word. Yesterday the parable of the vinedressers quoted this passage. Jesus was not afraid of quoting the scriptures to make people stop and think about their own lives. The Scribes and Pharisees had learned and studied the scriptures and many could quote much of the Old Testament; but what good was it unless they were able to apply it properly into their lives?

Jesus wants us to know His Word and we have our bibles which relate much of what He has had people write down for our good. But just reading the bible and learning it word for word is not going to get us very far unless we can know what God wants us to know about those words. The Ethiopian eunuch had learned the words but could not find understanding or meaning in them until they were explained to Him.

Yes we can learn the words and we can quote them and we can make other people think we are close to God just because we can do these things; but without Christ’s love those words are empty. Yes we can believe in God and can obey all that is written down, but without the love Jesus showed us in those same words, they are hollow promises. Promises yes, but not giving us the same hope as when Christ is brought into them.

Jesus used the Old Testament to show us the basis of the love He shows us. He expanded our minds by expanding the scriptures. We need to embrace His Word and His love and make them a part of our lives so we will understand His great love for us in a fuller way. When we understand what Christ has actually done for us we will marvel at His love and we will be able to rejoice every day knowing His promises are full of hope and mercy and are presented new to us every day.

Points to Ponder:
Do you trust your bible?

Do you know God’s love through Christ?


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