Daily Devotion February 14

February 14: Psalm 100:1-5

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 100:2
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

When we are thankful for something God has done or even just a little happier because He has given us something; tell people! How are we ever going to show people just how wonderful God actually is unless we tell people about the wonderful God that we have? When we are doing things for God we should not be doing them with a long face or complaining about what is happening, we should be doing so with gladness and joy to show people God is good!

Today is Valentine’s Day! How many people in a good relationship are sad? How many people who are in love with someone special are keeping it quiet? Today is a day when we celebrate our relationships or hope to make new ones in this world we live in; why not make this a day when we celebrate our relationship with God in a very special way?

I would not like to go to a concert where I was expected to be the lead singer because I know the noise that would come out! But that does not stop me from making a joyful noise to the Lord when I celebrate my relationship with Him. I am not afraid of letting people know I love God because I know He loves me and He is telling others about me. I do not lift up my name but rather the name of Jesus Christ as I bring glory to Him.

We would be nothing if it were not for God. We are dirt and He has made us into what we are. We must continue to remind people we have a God who loves us more than we can understand. We must continue to lift His name up and show people we are in love with a God who first loved us. I do thank Him that He has given me a heart that can love people without question because I know the love I share comes from Him to begin with and is true.

Points to Ponder:
Have you shared your love today?

Did you include God?


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