Daily Devotion February 15

February 15: Mark 9:2-8

KJV Key Verse: Mark 9:4
And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.

If ever there was a moment for the disciples to put together all of the Old Testament and what Jesus was trying to teach them, this was it! The disciples would have known the stories about Moses and Elijah and probably were told them many times as children and many times as adults when they went to the synagogues; and now they were seeing things face to face – eye witnesses! It is one thing to have faith and believe the stories of old and trust that people have been telling you the truth, but to see the people in your stories face to face would have been magnificent!

This was an act of God and not just a couple of ghosts appearing before them. When God appeared before Moses it was with a great light and Moses himself was glowing from the meeting. Now Jesus was glowing as Moses and Elijah came down to earth to meet with Him. Bright lights are used to show things up so the truth can be told or shown. If you want to examine something closely then shining a bright light on it will help you to see the detail up close. When God meets with us he does not want us to go away without knowing the truth and without seeing things as they are!

The disciples would now see that Jesus is a part of the scriptures and not a different story to tell or some other prophet that came to us. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is as much a part of the Old Testament as Moses and Elijah. Even under the microscope we will see this truth and it will be upheld.

Peter’s reaction was to want to build tabernacles for each of them just as they built the tabernacle for God when Moses led the people through the desert. His reaction was according to the scriptures. God made the answer quite clear – Jesus Christ is the Son of God and we need to listen to what He says. If we lose meaning through repetition of old stories, or lose meaning over time, then God will bring something into our lives to refresh the meaning to we can know Him better. God was bringing together the past, present and the future on the top of this mountain. The disciples now had the task of taking this truth and sharing it with others. What a glorious light!

Points to Ponder:
Do you switch on the lights to see things?

Will you use the Gospel as your light?


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