Daily Devotion February 23

February 23: Acts 17:24-31

KJV Key Verse: Acts 17:27
That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

How quickly we forget that we are all human being made by the same God in His own image! It only takes a small argument to start a big fight and a short time to destroy peace that has been pieced together over a long time. It is God who ordered the universe and gave us direction and purpose; but us who have turned down the wrong paths and gone astray for that direction.

We get used to doing things in our own ways and even get to the point where we require others to walk the same path as we do because we just want that to be so. We do not have the right to force people down our erroneous paths, but we do. We should not judge people according to our own rules, but we do. This must be some of the most painful times for God, watching us as we turn our back on Him and struggle to turn other people away just so we do not feel alone in our ways.

What we should be doing is holding out our hands to others people as we walk in Christ’s ways and not our own. We should be encouraging people to walk the righteous path and not break down what God has built up. How can we hope to maintain something we cannot keep in order for ourselves? How can we take someone away from God when we know it is wrong?

We do this for our own gain. We do not fully understand just how precious God’s ways are until we break down and see ourselves, broken and destitute. Why wait until we have gone too far? Why wait for the complete breakdown when we can live for God in a much better way? Take a look at what God has given us. Take time to see how much He has given us. Now look upon that as you would looking upon gold and others riches. These are the true riches – the one’s Christ given to us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like riches?

Are you seeing the riches Christ supplies?


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