Daily Devotion February 24

February: 24 Isaiah 25:6-8
And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations.

Can you think of a good reason to have a feast? I’m sure we could all make an excuse to have a good meal and party and when we are able it lifts up our spirits. Having a celebrative party because you have succeeded in doing something is great fun but we often forget about the reason for some parties and continue on in our lives just doing and getting by after the fact.

Who would you invite to your party or feast? Would it be friends you know, family or old acquaintances? It seems a difficult choice to make sometimes to make sure you do not upset people who expect to come along – oh the joys of peer pressure in our modern society.

God’s invitation is an open invitation to everyone who is willing to listen. It does not have any special requirements such as us having to bring along a part of the meal or drinks to go with it. His invitation does not exclude people because of their belonging to another religion. It really is an open invitation. God wants to break down prejudice and allow people to seek the truth. God wants us to come together to seek out that truth as we learn from each other. God wants us to stop carrying round the barriers we have put up which stop us from being open about the truth. God wants us to stop doing religion and start loving our neighbours so we can share the Gospel message!

There are a long lasting a great reward for those who are willing to put aside their own wants and desires and follow God’s truth. A reward that will go far beyond the memories of any feast or party. Happiness which will endure… But we do have to listen when He says NO! It is no good just going along for the party and then expecting rewards just because you turned up. Make it real!

Points to Ponder:
Do you listen to God?

Are you doing what He is asking?


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