Daily Devotion February 26

February 26: Hebrews 2:1-4

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 2:3
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him ;

Ignoring salvation just does not make sense! Ok, so we have an advantage in that we do know Christ died for us and that our sin debt has been paid for through what He alone achieved on the cross; or at least I am assuming you do because you’re reading this… You see, that is the type of attitude we get into in our lives. We assume people know all about salvation because we do and we try to remember it each day. We celebrate Easter and Christmas and try to glorify God when we can… but do we live the truth?

Salvation is not just the fact that Jesus died for our sins. Salvation is everything Jesus has done for us from coming to earth as a man, teaching, healing, living out the Gospel, laying His life down and rising from the grave to show us eternal life… it’s about the love that Jesus showed us through all of these things. Without that love it is all a bit hollow.

If we tell people about this love and know and believe it in our own hearts, then we need to show people how great this love is by living it as well. God wants us to fulfil the love He showed to us through loving one another. If we ignore that love or do not share it then we will look a bit shameful as we tell people one thing and live another. Christ lived His life just as He told us. He loved beyond measure. He did everything without limits.

Throughout time God has continued to show us His love which culminated in perfect salvation for us all. God performed miracles that set Him apart from anything else to prove His love – not that He needed to prove it but that we needed proof because of our lack of faith. Our doubt meant Christ having to pay an incredible price just to prove His love and commitment. Don’t ignore what God has done, live it and love.

Points to Ponder:
Does your life reflect your way?

Is that way God’s way?


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