Daily Devotion February 28

February 28: Psalm 125:1-3

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 125:1
They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.

It is amazing to read through the Old Testament and see so many references to how much God through Christ protects us. The fact that these words have been written hundreds of years before Christ came to earth in human form just goes another step forward in reminding us of God’s plan right from the start. How often we do forget because we have spent one extra day not praying or one day not seeking God. And yet He chose to not be around for hundreds of years and still kept the promises as if they were said half an hour ago!

God surrounds us with His protection and continues to uphold righteousness in front of us so we should not have any reason to doubt Him – yet we still do. God continues to love us no matter what. He continues to build up protective layers around us. He continues to uphold every promise He ever made.

The picture of God being like mountains that surround us is greatly comforting! We find it good enough when we hide behind a small wall or even curtains… so having a mountain between us and our adversary should make us swell with confidence! But we still find fault in the protection because we do not see it in our own eyes but rather as something we have not yet understood. God is not asking us to understand why we have the protection we do have but just to rely on that protection, always.

God is building up the protection all the time and encouraging us through that protection being tested each day. When we see the protection holding we should be encouraged… yet what we focus on could be the fact that testing time have arrived and then we lose focus on the actual protection as we watch the temptations with fear instead. God is the only one we should fear!

Points to Ponder:
How do you lose courage?

What must God do to build your courage?


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