Daily Devotion February 3

February 3: Luke 23:6-12

KJV Key Verse: Luke 23:11
And Herod with his men of war set him at nought , and mocked him, and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate.

When Jesus gave Himself up to be captured He did so with the full understanding of what was going to have to happen. He knew He would have to become guilty for all of our sins and He knew the price to pay. But the men in charge of the land had very little concept of all this involved. Yes they knew that guilty people had to be punished and they knew that many crimes carried the death sentence and they had probably condemned many to death because of their crimes. Had they ever sentenced a person to death who was not guilty – we don’t know, but we like to pain pictures for ourselves!

It is amazing how the evil people will gather together when they are faced with having themselves found out. We can see this happen in many walks of life and so much history from the earth is based upon people trying to help each other cover over the things they have done wrong so they can stay in power or continue to look good in someone else’s eyes. This is not the way Jesus teaches us to be.

Christ wants us to stand by the truth and to show righteousness to everyone. Jesus paid a very big price so He would be able to cover our sins the only possible way it could be done – by staying innocent and taking on our guilt! That is very different to joining in the guilt of the other party to try and make the bag look less bad because of the other bad stuff around… it just does not work!

Whether it is right to just not say anything when faced by people telling lies about you, or to speak up and tell the truth, or to run the other way… it’s all debatable and continues to be so as we continue to learn more about each other. We should be striving to build up each other as we strive to learn more about God. The more we can allow people to see how much God loves us through His actions, the more we can move forward with Him in our lives and feel less like a person on death row as we drown in guilt!

Points to Ponder:
Do you carry your guilt round?

Will you allow Christ to take on your debts?


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