Daily Devotion February 4

February 4: Mark 9:11-13

KJV Key Verse: Mark 9:12
And he answered and told them, Elias verily cometh first, and restoreth all things; and how it is written of the Son of man, that he must suffer many things, and be set at nought .

So many people tell us about how much we should judge success by the things we achieve or the things we aim for or the things we can pick up; what about the person standing next to you? Jesus did not just look at Himself all the time and tell people all about what he was going to do, what He did and what He could do. Instead Jesus always included the people around Him in everything. Whether it was the children that the elders wanted to push away or the lepers who came forward for acceptance, Jesus did not turn people away.

Christ knew what was happening all around Him because He made it His business to know people and to listen to God the Father all the time. If we are willing to listen more to God and to His wishes in our lives then we too can walk a closer walk with all the people around us. I know we don’t all get along all the time and some of us tend to argue most of the time, but we should not be turning our backs on them just because we disagree on something. If they are in need then we need to extend our hands and hearts to them just the same.

Jesus talked about John the Baptist coming first to open the doors and show the way. Jesus knew what was going to happen but He also knew that this was the only way it could happen. Just because we don’t get our own way does not mean that it is not meant to be! If there is one thing that I have learned is that I do not understand God’s ways and I may never understand why… but I have faith and believe that it is the right way and the only way!

Yes, question God. But when He does answer, listen and obey! Yes, question motives, but when we are shown Christian love, trust it. Yes, question feelings, but when God opens up your heart be patient and wait for Him to fill that gap. It may be a long journey and it may feel very lonely at times, but God has a plan which is right and one that is required. Trust Him and have faith He knows what He is doing!

Points to Ponder:
Do you question things?

Why not?


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