Daily Devotion February 7

February 7: John 1:1-5

KJV Key Verse: John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Trying to start an engine the old fashioned way by cranking it over by hand is hard. Trying to push-start a car is hard. Trying to knock down a wall is hard. Each of these actions is against something that is not moving and which you want to move. The power to keep something going after it is started is often much less than the power needed to start things off… so starting off our universe was not just a random action but something which would have taken more power than we can imagine!

These verses describe Jesus as the Word (from the Greek logos) but not just any word, the Word was with God and is God. Our God has power beyond what we know because He spoke us into being and that same power is in Christ Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. Christ laid that all aside as He gave up His life for us on the cross. Jesus lowered Himself to be as a human being for this and showed us just how much He loves us. Not only was He there during the creation of the universe but He showed His love for us by giving us life.

That life was not a random chance event that happened because of all the right things being in the right place with the right energy and right power behind it all; that life was breathed into us by God as He described His love for us. Being able to create something is always enjoyable and fulfilling for the creator, but being able to make something that has use goes one step further. Being able to create someone goes the step beyond that as love is expressed.

Those beings who do not understand love could not understand why God would create us and why we would want to love God instead of them. Their greed and pride overtake their understanding and reduce them to hatred and despair. As long as we accept the love God showed us in the beginning and grow with that love we continue to grow with God and in His love. Enjoy it!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like making things?

Do you love the things you create?


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