Daily Devotion February 8

February 8: John 1:6-9

Niv  Key Verse: John 1:7
He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.

What is the first thing you want to do when you walk into a dark room? I reach out for the light switch so I can bring light into the dark room and see where I am going. I don’t want to make a mess of things by stumbling over them in the dark. I don’t want to make a mess of myself by falling over in the dark. That light is so that I can live a better life where there was once darkness.

I know there is a start difference between where I live and third world countries because they do not have the same facilities as I am privileged to have; but they would like to be able to have light in that darkness just as we do. It is not the luxury we want but the light itself we desire when we do not have it. Can you imagine the shock of seeing a bright light being switched on for the first time in your life?

Jesus came as that light into the darkness. He did not come to shock everyone with blinding light; instead He sent John in first to tell people of the light that was coming so they would want it and enjoy it when it came. Someone had to come and explain what was going to happen before the shock of sudden light came. But still some would choose to not want that light. Some would choose to stay in the darkness. Some would still be scared of the light.

Jesus wants us to continue explaining to people about this light. He wants to be able to show Himself to many more people without them being petrified of this intense difference between their darkness and the light of our God. The difference can be very shocking to those who are not prepared for it; but it can be the best thing in the world for those who know it is coming!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like light?

Do you explain God’s light to others?


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