Daily Devotion February 9

February 9: John 1:10-13

KJV Key Verse: John 1:11
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

Could you imagine what it would be like to create an event like a big party where loads of your so called friends are invited and nobody recognises you when you turn up? All those people who constantly say they are your friends doing things in front of you as if you are not there or telling people they know you when they cannot even introduce you to their friends! Sounds so terrible when you look at it from the world’s point of view and yet we don’t think it so terrible when we live with it every day.

If we are going to say that God is our friend then we had better start acting like He is and making sure that where we go we show people we are His friend by keeping Him by our sides. John was the herald crying out to people that Jesus was coming soon and warning people they had to change their ways from being people who hid behind the law to being people who lived with Christ.

When we invite Jesus to be a part of our lives He makes sure that we are given His full friendship and total support. A friend should be someone who is there supporting totally and not just when they want to or when it suits them to do so. Being a friend of God means making sure that others know we are His friend all of the time and not just when we say so. It also means we need to make sure we stay in tune with the Church that Jesus Christ set up for all of us. We have to live our lives being under the authority of Christ and not running off to do our own things all the time.

We may well be flesh and blood, but once we accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour and King, we are under His authority. That is not the same as the authority of man or of religion, but the authority of Christ. That is going to be a line that is crossed now and again because we get things wrong and we do want things to go our own way. We still want to be in charge or want the laws to apply so we can be happy with them. Following Christ is not always easy, but it is always right!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know your friends?

Do you know God?


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