Daily Devotion April 1

April 1: Hebrews 12:1-2

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about  with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

How much does it take before you start believing in things? I know that it is very subjective with me because I will believe some things very easily, but continue to question other things especially those where I have been wrong in the past. When it comes to believing in Jesus I don’t have a problem, but I do have a problem believing what other people say about Christ some of the time. And that is just part of this endurance race that we have set before us – having faith to continue believing even though there are going to be mile upon mile of obstacles in our path!

We may well be easily persuaded by some people because we think we should be able to have faith in what they tell us, but this passage reminds us that we need to look to Jesus for the absolute answers. Even some of our Bible translations have got it wrong in the past and have led many people down a wrong path, but when we dig into them and study what Jesus has said we will be able to discern the truth. And so we should.

Jesus had to believe what lay ahead of Him in order to make it through the sadness and madness of the days which led up to His death. He trusted in God to see it through to the end, facing the cross, death and the tomb finally leading to His resurrection and life with God in Heaven.

If it were not for His faith in knowing what lay ahead He should not have gone through with it just in case we should be saved. It was a sure thing knowing that God was allowing this all to happen. We now have many witnesses surrounding us giving us our daily supplies in order that we should believe in Christ as the Son of our Living God. Stand firm with Christ and allow God to lead us through our daily lives.

Points to Ponder:
Do you believe everyone?

Do you compare what people say with what Christ said?


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