Daily Devotion March 1

March 1: Genesis 17:1-8

KJV Key Verse: Genesis 17:1
And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

What an awesome thing it is to be called by God to work for Him! It is not a small thing to be called by God and Abraham showed that by falling on his face before God and obeying without question. When the disciples were called they dropped everything and they followed Christ. When Samuel was called he said “Here I am, use me.” Each of these people were called by God and it showed because they lived a life that was purposeful and lifted up God at every opportunity.

If we think we are called of God and rush off to do our own thing to try and praise God as much as we can we may end up falling flat on our faces; not because we are praising Him but because it all falls apart. Make sure that you are being called of God and not just doing something that you really want to do to see if God will be proud of you! Some will try to do as much as they can and wonder why God does not seem to be supporting them… just maybe it is because they are doing their own thing and not what God wants.

It is difficult to know one way or the other at times because of the chaos in our world and the pressure to succeed in so many ways. But when you do listen to God you will find that things do fall into place despite your best intentions! It may also be hard to let God have His own way in your life instead of doing what you think God would like you to do… it is a fine line between your work and God’s calling… but a very definite line!

Abraham seemed to have it easy because this calling seems to be explicit; but have a look over his life and see the ups and downs as he had to struggle with waiting for God. We all get impatient and want God to do things right now! But sometimes God’s calling is not for the right now but for a few years ahead. Being patient and faithful in those cases is hard. God knows the best timing for all of His works. Listen…

Points to Ponder:
Are you patient?

Are you persistent in your prayers?


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