Daily Devotion March 11

March 11: Psalm 19:7-11

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 19:7
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure , making wise the simple.

It is God’s Word that shows us we have strayed away from His will in our lives. Without the direction of His Word we would not know we have strayed because we would do things that we thought were right and assumed that we were going in the right direction. It is not good practice to try out everything in life to figure out what is right and what is wrong – doing so is going to open us up to more than we can handle. Why should we think of doing that when we do have our instruction manual?

The more we see how God has instructed us in life the more we will be encouraged to do the right thing by Him and the more we do the more we get to see how good life can be with God. As we grow in knowledge and wisdom with Him we have our eyes opened to the amazing things He does and just how awesome this place is that he created for us!

But unless we are going to realise that it is God who has given these instructions and that it is God who we should be following, we are not going to see how important they are. We could take them as a rough guide to life and still get things terribly wrong because we do not follow the way He sets forward. Our translations of His word may not be up to scratch at times, but that does not make His Word wrong – it is just our translations that are lacking.

The more we find out what God has in store for us the more we want to find out what He has for our futures. As we walk with Him we see how much He does and how much he supports us, giving us hope and encouragement to walk longer and stronger with Him each day. It is only when we stay close to God and His Word that we see how great a reward we have through His Son Jesus Christ. Keep walking and keep talking with Him every day!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know your Bible?

Do you remember God inspired these words?


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