Daily Devotion March 12

March 12: 1 John 2:7-8

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 2:7
7 Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.

It is strange that we look at taking the Gospel out to others as being something new, something that we may be doing in a new way or at least think we are doing in a new way. But if we are honest and look at the content of God’s Word we will see that it has remained unchanged for all time, even though we try to make more sense of it and re-write things so we can better understand it… Are we simply re-writing it so we can have something we like more ourselves, or are we actually getting to the true translation?

Each time we go through another iteration of translating, finding, seeking, re-writing and so on, we tend to impose our own likes and dislikes on the finished article ending up with something that pleases us and not necessarily God! And yet when Christ came to be amongst us, He declared a new commandment to be taught and that is to love one another.

Did people not love each other before this? Of course they did, but were they doing it for the right reason or doing it correctly according to God’s instruction? Well that could be debatable and something each of us has to look for in our own lives. We are not here to judge others but we do. We cannot hope to understand God’s ways and yet we try to define them. The Old commandments are those that have been written down for many many years and shared with us time after time because we know them to be truthful.

The New Commandment is from Christ to teach us to love each other without being hypocrites! It is not an easy task for many because we have learned to live a life full of lies and to cover up our true feelings most of the time. Being able to let out your true feelings may not be politically correct, but it will get you closer to God! God’s light is already shining and is on show for everyone to see. Don’t try and hide something that is already on show but rather allow others to see it and know it as the truth!

Points to Ponder:
Do you gossip?

Do you tell others the Gospel?


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