Daily Devotion March 13

March 13: 1 John 3:10-12

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 3:11
11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.

God has been trying to teach this same message from the beginning of time: that we should love one another. When He placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden it seemed like it was the perfect match, and it was. But then the evil one got in and started doubt and greed which slowly ate away until they decided that their own ways would be just as good as God’s ways and everything fell apart!

The perfect relationship should not be between two people but between three people. It should not be between four people either, just three. It all started out just as God planned with Adam and Eve and God. Never leave God out of the relationship otherwise all you can hope for is a worldly romance which will seem lacking when tested. But with God in that relationship as the anchor, love and light, you have a relationship that is going to last forever.

So which should partnerships outside of Christianity last longer than many inside the church? Why should the evil one care about people who don’t care about God? He has no battle to fight there… What he will aim for is the relationship that has God on the side instead of in the middle because they will be easier to disrupt when God cannot act like the love and light He should be.

The same is going to be true for any relationship, be it between two people who love each other and want to spend their whole lives together or between two friends who live on the other side of the world to each other. As long as the love of God is there holding things together, the love of the people will continue to flourish and to remain strong and true. I thank God that I have many friends whom I can share God with whether they are by my side or on the other side of the world!

Points to Ponder:
How do you treat love?

Are you keeping God in it?


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