Daily Devotion March 16

March 16: Psalm 133:1-3

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 133:1
1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Living in unity with others is a true blessing; living in strife with anyone is hard going every step of the way! So why do we do it? Why do we cause each other strife and pain? Because we don’t all understand each other nor do we ‘get’ each other. We are different and we should recognise that and live with those differences, accepting each other as being different.

Those precious moments in life that can be remembered forever are the ones we hold dearest to our hearts. Those are the ones that allow us to remember just how good life can be. When you go back in your own life you will see that many of those moments are with God which should bring about a realisation of how good times can be with God in your life. The psalmist describes the special mix of spices and oil God described to Moses for use in ceremonies which ran down the beard of the person who was being anointed. A special moment for anyone who is being anointed.

The psalmist also describes the dew on Hermon which is by all accounts something to behold with most reports saying it is would be as wet as if it was raining during the night. Considering this is in a very dry place, that is pretty special as well. Again something that would be remembered and treasured by the person involved or present.

So being in unity with other people should be as special as these things described! And it is! I find it amazing to be able to go to Christian festivals or camps where we can be together with so many Christians and enjoy our time celebrating and glorifying God. The joy of being able to worship God is just so very special and something we will all look forward to in Heaven where we will be able to worship our awesome God for all eternity!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like worshipping God?

Do you look forward to eternity?


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