Daily Devotion March 17

March 17: Hebrews 13:1-6

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 13:5
5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have : for he hath said , I will never leave thee, nor * forsake thee.

Living a good life should be a consequence of loving God and loving others. Once you can get your head round the fact that loving other people is quite normal because it is a different kind of love to loving a partner, then you can move on to treating others in the right manner because you do love them. It is also right and proper to make friends and invite strangers round so you can get to know them. Getting to know people leads to friendships which leads to greater love for your friends and neighbours.

I love the fact that the apostle writes to remind us that God works through many ways and has sent angels to sup with people before, such as Abraham. The very thought of entertaining someone God has sent to you is such an awesome idea that it makes me want to go out and invite all manner of people in for dinner! But it should not just be because we want something out of the chance meeting that we invite others in. It should be because we want to give back to others what some have given to us.

If we can show half the kindness to others that some have shown to us the world will be a better place. By showing kindness we can brighten someone else’s life; especially if they have been in any sort of trouble, sadness or other bad situation. We should aim to have right and proper relationships with others and not to run lustfully after those we like the look of. Love runs deep and needs to be nurtured and kept right.

Being happy with all that God allows into your life is not just a mark of respect for God but will allow you to enjoy your life so much more with Him. God has already promised us that He will never leave us or forsake us who believe in His Son. So be bold and tell the world that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He is the one who looks after us!

Points to Ponder:
Are you content?

Have you realised what God has given you?


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