Daily Devotion March 18

March 18: John 17:13-19

KJV Key Verse: John 17:17
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Jesus’ prayer to God in this chapter is so full of encouragement, grace, beauty and strength that we ought not ignore it. We have learned to lift up the Lord’s Prayer which is nice and short so we can remember it and yet so full of meaning. When Christ lifted up His prayers to God in Heaven it was not just a list of requests as we often do. It was not a list of complaints as we often do. It was not a list of wants and desires as we far too often do… it was honest and heartfelt and meant for us to hear!

Jesus spoke these words here on earth so we could hear them and be filled with Joy at the content and meaning of His words. He prayed for us! He came and gave us so much, bringing us a perfect birth, amazing love, a beautiful life and amazing words. He gave us new scripture that we may understand His ways. He gives us hope by reminding us that it is not just Him thinking of us but God taking notice of us too!

He pleads with God the Father to make sure we are presented faultless before the throne because of what He is about to do. He then goes ahead to give His life for us so we can be presented without blemish, without fault, without blame before God! But in order to get this far we have to understand how this is all possible and without our bibles we simply would not get the story.

So He lifts us His words, our bibles, and asks that we can receive the words as the truth, hold them in our hearts and believe them to the end. With those words we can understand He has paid for our sins. With those words we can receive the Joy He wants us to have because we now know this is all been done for us. What an awesome God; that He goes so far just for us. What an awesome God who lays down His life for ours. Believe and receive!

Points to Ponder:
Do you trust Christ?

Do you receive Him?


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