Daily Devotion March 19

March 19: John 17:20-26

KJV Key Verse: John 17:23
23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

This is one of those passages where I have to read it slowly and through a few times because my brain does not decipher any languages that quickly. Numbers I can get. Language takes me a while. But because God is explaining things to me as we go along I can get this passage. We had an awesome physical interpretation of this the other night in church… Imagine that you are a onesie and Christ is a person: Christ wants to climb inside you and zip you up totally just as you climb inside a onesie and zip it up covering yourself totally to keep warm.

I know it falls far short of what Christ does to us and in us but it brings home this picture that God wants to be in us so He can help us to stand up and be counted. Without Him inside of us we would collapse in a heap, but with Him in us we are alive!

Jesus does not just pray for those who have already believed but all of us in the future who are going to believe. He prays to the Father that we are going to be kept safe in His grip. That does not mean that nothing bad will ever happen to us again but that He will never let us go once we place our faith and trust in Him. This does not mean that we have to fight at keeping in His arms. This does not mean we have to do things over and over again to make sure we keep off the ground. It means He wants to hold us tight and forever.

I know that I try to live my life correctly but I also know that I fail in many counts as well because I see myself give in to things I should not and do the things I should not. But I know through all of this, though I embarrass myself in front of God, He is willing to forgive me when I admit that I am wrong. Actually He is willing to forgive me before I admit it, but it is when I admit it that He can forgive me. He will still present me to the Father without a blemish!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like curling up in your bed?

Imagine God embracing you more than your bed!


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