Daily Devotion March 20

March 20: Luke 5:27-32

KJV Key Verse: Luke 5:31
31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need * not a physician; but they that are sick.

It must have seemed very odd to the religious leaders that Jesus would go out of His way to mix with the sinful people instead of spending all His time with them. If we get into a position of authority or into a position of respect then we can get carried away and start to demand more attention from others just because we hold this new-found position in society. Jesus was nothing like that and reached out to the people that needed it rather than the people who wanted it!

Like so many things in our world it is not the people that want attention or respect the most that deserve it but the people who often show the most love and respect toward others. Jesus went out of His way on many occasions to make sure that He could show love and respect to people where others would not. In order to reach out to people we first have to be able to get them to know we are here and that we care for them or their situation.

Doctors are not here to care for the healthy people but to look out for those people who need medical advice or care; i.e. the sick. Medical doctors may get paid for the work they do but they are caring for the sick and not the healthy. Jesus did not get paid for the work He did because He was (and is) doing it out of love for each one of us. His love goes far deeper than anything we can understand – the world’s way does not accept that love because it is aimed at people who some think may not deserve that love.

No matter which way you want to look at this, Jesus was here to break the mould and challenge the way people looked at each other. The religious leaders had changed society to make it seem very civilized for the people they wanted in their groups. Jesus stopped and invited everyone in. That is the commission Christ gives us, to go out into ALL the world and share the Gospel with them.

Points to Ponder:
Who do you share Christ with?

Will you reach out to more people today?


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