Daily Devotion March 23

March 23: John 12:20-26

KJV Key Verse: John 12:24
24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die , it abideth alone: but if it die , it bringeth forth much fruit.

Jesus knew when the time was right for Him to start the journey back into Jerusalem so that He may fulfil the prophecies told in the Scriptures. He knew that he had to obey God through everything even though He was facing this next week as a human being and not as all powerful God Almighty; even though He is. It was that step of servitude that made all the difference for us.

Just as He said that the seed must die in order for it to flourish and bear fruit, so too did He know that he would have to lay down His own life so that the Salvation promised would be the fruit that came up. When we want to be able to achieve something we have to give something first, be it time, effort, money, prayers or whatever; just wishing something would happen will not make it happen. Being willing to give it all to make sure that it will happen is the step that Jesus demonstrated to us here.

When the rich man came to Jesus to ask how he would be able to be saved Jesus replied to say that he would have to give everything up first of all. It may not be that we actually have to give everything up, but being willing to lay it all down at God’s feet is what will count. God will reward the willing person in the appropriate way which may not be in the way that we hope so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get your own way!

God is the one who knows what is best and knows the right order that life should unfold in. We need to be willing to live out that life in the order He has ordained and not the order we have built up in our heads. I love to think that I have it all sorted in my head, but each time I have seen God come and change things to suit His ways and His will. I do struggle to obey Him at times but I know that obeying Him is what counts; so I try my best.

Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to obey authority?

Do you obey God?


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