Daily Devotion March 25

March 25: John 13:2-5

KJV Key Verse: John 13:5
5 After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded .

Jesus knew His position and knew His authority and yet He still chose to get down on His knees as a servant in front of each of the disciples and wash their feet. He chose this as a method of demonstrating to them that being in a position of authority did not mean turning ones back on the brotherly love we must have for each other. We always need to look out for each other no matter what position we find ourselves in.

God sees how we get caught up in our own pompousness and how we ignore the things we used to think of. God sees how the world and all its trimmings distract us from our real purpose with Him. Just as we would like to be able to trust others to do the right thing for us all the time, He is trusting us with direction in our lives. He gives us direction and wants us to follow it. He gets on His knees and demonstrates that direction hoping we will pick the right path.

God is not forcing us to go ahead and do anything. He may allow things into our lives to show us we have chosen wrong or that we need to change our ways, but he does not force us against our will. The world can be a pretty messed up place and we may see this world as some sort of punishment from God because we have done wrong; but think about what he has done.

We went wrong in the beginning and God put us in the world to fend for ourselves so we would realise we need Him. We then corrupt and break things and then blame Him because we have broken it all. So Christ got down on His knees and demonstrated to us that we need to help each other to clean things up a little by showing each other we will always care no matter what position we get in life!

Points to Ponder:
Are you always willing to help?

Do you expect God to always help?


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