Daily Devotion March 29

March 29: Philippians 2:5-11

KJV Key Verse: Philippians 2:8
8 And being found in fashionas a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

The picture of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey is one that is blasted out around the world on this day known to us as Palm Sunday because it was the day that people laid down and waved palm branches as Jesus walked through the streets on the donkey. Even though Christ was coming into the city in a similar manner to royalty it was not on the same scale. Jesus was probably showing the people in the same manner as He would often speak to them – almost living out a parable.

Jesus has been lifted up by God. Jesus was praised by God as being His Son. Jesus said He was the Son of God. These are all true things, so coming into Jerusalem riding on a beast was fitting; but He did it in a manner which showed He was humble. He left His position in Heaven to come down to earth as a man, fully human and yet still God. He did this to show how far He is willing to go for our sakes!

God has not taken away the name of Christ but has taught us just how important His name is. The prophets from the Old Testament foretold how the Messiah would come into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Jesus fulfilled that prophecy. The prophets told us how He would die in our place even though He did not deserve it. Jesus fulfilled that prophecy by giving His life up on the cross for our sakes!

Jesus did not just come to seek and save the lost but to fulfil the prophecies told of old about a Messiah coming to be our Saviour and our Friend. Christ has demonstrated this time and time again to make sure we have Him when we need Him most of all! We need to daily thank Him for all He has done for us and to live our lives for Him as best we can!

Points to Ponder:
Do you remember what Christ did for you?

Does this show you how much God loves you?


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