Daily Devotion March 31

March 31: John 12:27-33

KJV Key Verse: John 12:30
30 Jesus answered and said , This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes *

Sometimes things happen so we can know that there is a God and He loves us and looks out for us. There was no real reason for God to speak audibly to Jesus and no reason for Him to make noises other than for us to hear it. If we did not get the voices, noises, miracle, visions or whatever else we seek, then we may well be counted amongst the doubting Thomases of this world!

So, instead, God chose to make His presence known to the people around Jesus giving hope and assurety. Jesus was certainly not looking forward to what was about to happen to Him but he knew this was the way that God the Father could be glorified once and for all. Because of that trust and absolute faith, God answered and allowed people around to hear, giving them hope and assurety.

Jesus did not make it all like it was from a fictional novel but gave the people the truth about what would happen next. Jesus told them that all the prophecies already known about would start coming to life before their eyes. People would have to take notice of the things said by prophets such as Hosea because they were coming to life!

We are under the spell of the god of this world as we all seek the good things in life. We get persuaded that everything that looks good must be good because the tempter knows we can be swayed by things that look or sound good. We need to listen carefully to God and break the spell we are under as we get to understand all we have got wrong in our lives. God is patient and kind but has set a time when we all have to face up to reality; what will you be doing when the final tick of the clock sounds?

Points to Ponder:
Do you need proof?

Do you always seek assurety?


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