Daily Devotion March 6

March 6: Psalm 49:16-20

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 49:17
17 For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away : his glory shall not descend after him.

I’m not sure who wrote this Psalm but they certainly had an insight into a right and proper relationship with God as being the way to heaven and not anything we can do! There is no way we can buy our way into heaven or pay off any religious leader so that we can gain access to heaven. No matter how much money we build up on earth we cannot take any of it with us after we die; and it’s not just God stopping that but the law of the land as well.

The most we can gain from riches on earth is earthly honour and earthly following. It ends there. It may well be fun having loads of money and we may well be able to do so much for so many people by having that money, but that is all we can do. Our true riches and rewards come after we leave this earth and come face to face with Christ. If we have spent time getting to know Christ, have put our trust in Him and believe in Him, He is the one who is going to be faithful to His own word and take us to be with Him in Heaven.

No matter who we are and what position we have in society, we are all the same when we face Christ. Just as God would look inside the person and not on the outward appearance, so too does Christ. He knows what we are like and knows who we really are underneath all the riches or poverty that surrounds our earthly existence. We cannot hide anything from God and should never try to otherwise we only rob ourselves of our justice.

As the New Testament affirms, it is not money that is evil but rather how we view the money in our lives. We could love the money and that would end up ruining us as we side more and more on the side of money and riches rather than love and honour. Or we could be very effective with how we use the money and become super rich and see it as a reward for the work we do… what we do after that point then shows us our true view of the money. If we turn to it as our goal we turn away from God. It really is that simple. Keep focused on God and He will guide you to sort the money side out properly!

Points to Ponder:
Do you worry about money?

Are you too focused on money?


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