Daily Devotion March 7

March 7: Psalm 34:8-10

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 34:10
10 The young lions do lack , and suffer hunger : but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.

The young lions talked about here are probably the same referred to by Job being the wealthy few that are in desperate need of Christ in their lives. The one who are lost in a world of opulence and suffer greatly without realising it. Having all the riches in the world will not buy you happiness because the happiness comes from how you live and not how much you live. God does not want us to be led astray by the wealth and all the trimming it can buy because we as do go down that road we miss out on the real riches of the Kingdom.

If we are offered a fantastic looking meal we will still be able to taste whether it is good. Just because it looks so nice does not mean that it tastes as good (though we have grown used to the idea that well-presented food typically does taste good as well). It is in the tasting we find out the true worth of the food; which brings us to our own favourite foods – they may not look like the class foods served up in the best restaurants, but they are our favourite foods.

God wants each of us to experience a life with Him so we can know just how good life will be in Heaven. Once we do taste how special He can be in our lives we will not want to go back to the old ways. But still many of us do fall and fail and turn back to old ways and leave God behind once again.

The most amazing thing is that God’s love for us will not dwindle just because we stray away. His love will bring us back if we are willing to listen, trust and obey. It is hard to listen when there is so much noise in the world around us, but listen we must. I love the fact that I was able to come back into God’s arms after being away for a couple of decades. And when I came back I knew the love He had for me had never changed. I have changed. I have had to learn. I have had to be humble. But God was and is still here!

Points to Ponder:
Where is your focus in life?

Do you know God’s love?


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