Daily Devotion March 9

March 9: Matthew 10:16-20

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 10:20
20 For it is not ye that speak , but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

I often wonder whether the disciples really took these words in when they first heard them or whether they had to reflect on what they meant after they had been through the mill? God did not hide the fact from any of His followers that there would be tough times ahead – and yet we often see our lives with Him as being all sweet and gentle. Well it’s not like that in the real world and we really need to know that up front otherwise we will get discouraged when things do not go as we want!

I know the seeds were planted in my head a long time ago by a few seniors back in high school because when the tough times did come I half expected them. I did not enjoy them and I’m afraid that I did not stand up and let people know I was a Christian when they first arrived as well. Just like Peter I did not volunteer the fact that I was a Christian until later on in life; I guess what I’m saying is that I did not allow God to speak through me.

I do know that God has given me the right things to say to the right people on many occasions and it is not something you realise until after you have said things. God is trying desperately to use each one of us to reach out to others – if only we would let Him have free access to our mouths!

Being very wary of what comes out of our mouths is also a very good thing. If we let loose with anything that we think is a good idea we will find out very quickly that our so called wisdom is going to hurt others at times because we do not think things through before we talk. If we are willing to go out in the name of Christ then we should also be willing to go out and allow Him to speak freely through us. That does not mean just saying what comes to your mind when it does but first asking God to give you the right things to say, then listening to Him and sometimes waiting until you do have the right things to say before saying anything!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like talking?

Do you let God get a word in?


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