Daily Devotion March 8

March 8: Luke 12:29-31

KJV Key Verse: Luke 12:31
31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.

When things around you look like they are collapsing in a heap, what do you do? Do you seek out someone you know who will be able to help? Do you seek out your parents so they can tell you what to do? Do you throw your hands up in the air and tell God to take care of it? Each of these answers may seem logical or what you may well do, but it is not always right.

When Jesus sent out the disciples to go and teach others about the gospel, He did not tell them how they could make enough money to be able to support themselves when they were out there on mission. He did not tell them how they could earn enough grants to support the work they should do. He told them to go out and not to be afraid of what they may not be able to see. Just because Christ told the disciples this is what they should do does not make it the same that we must do as well. God would love it if we knew that we could depend on Him for everything; but He wants us to succeed!

Jesus compared the work the nations did against what He was asking the disciples to do and told them they are not really comparable! When we work for the world we should expect the world to be able to support us; we should expect to earn the appropriate wage so can gain what we need to survive. But when He asks us to go forward and do something, we should expect Him to supply the means through which we can survive.

That means may be something we have to do to earn money to live. It may mean waiting totally on Him to supply the money. It may mean us relying on what others give to us. Until we step forward and take on the work God has asked of us we may not know how we are to survive: we have to make that first step of faith in Him and His provision before we see the income. I found that a very hard concept to follow until I did it for myself…

Points to Ponder:
Are you working for a living?

Do you understand how God supplies your needs?


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