Daily Devotion Match 10

March 10: 2 Peter 1:16-21

KJV Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:19
19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed , as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn , and the day star arise in your hearts:

When the disciples spoke about Jesus to other people, it was not as we do, by re-telling stories we have heard or read about, it was telling other people about the things they had seen with their own eyes. They are the ones who heard the voice come down from Heaven and say that this man they were watching is the Son of God! They were the ones who witnessed the miracles and listened to the actual words that Jesus spoke. What we have written down is their way of expressing what Jesus said.

The disciples had heard the stories from the Old Testament and would probably have had to learn them at some stage in their lives. Jesus was the one who made those words come to life for them and brought a whole new meaning to the Living Word. Jesus is the one who wants us to hear the word and to embrace it as if we are listening to Him saying those words as well.

We now have the Old Testament which shows us the prophecies the prophets and great men of God shared with Israel. We have the New Testament which shows us how Christ fulfilled the prophecies and taught us more. We can compare the two and get a more sure understanding of what God wants us to know about Him and about Life in general too. Normally we would take someone’s written word as ultimate proof!

But still we throw in doubt where there should be none. We ask for more proof. We doubt because we don’t see. Sometimes it does take faith and someone else’s word for us to learn the truth. Sometimes we do have to believe in what we cannot see or in something someone else has told us about. Jesus is The Word. Believe The Word!

Points to Ponder:
What does it take for you to believe?

Are you waiting for God’s writing on the wall?


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